About Orphanage Hhome

VS Ministry has been running an orphanage called VS Orphanage Home. Currently we have 7  children in orphanage and three more are coming this year. These childrens are from the far west part of Nepal. They are poor and underprivileged children who have  lost their parents during their childhood.  Please pray for them and be a part of their life to build their future in Christ.


Childrens Profile

"I will not leave you as orphan:I will come to you" John 14:18

Raju Magar

I am Raju Magar from Nachanthali Buditola, Kailali. I am 8 years old. My father is Bhakta Bahadur Magar and Mother was Rupa Magar. At the age of four months my mother died. I  lost the love of my mother.  I am from  a poor family background. My family is landless. My father married another woman and  I was abused by my step mother. I was worried about my life and for my daily needs including my education, but God brought me to the VS orphanage home to care for me. I am now studing in Class two. I want to be pilot in future and give help to orphans like me. I need your prayer and help. Please pray for me and support me. 

Anil Chaudhari

I am Anil Chaudhari from Rajipur, Kailali. I am 10 years old. My mother's name is Buduni Chaudhari and father was Puran Chaudhari. When I was three years old my father died . My family is from a poor background and have no land. After my father's death my mother was only the source of my livelihood by collecting firewood for our daily needs. I had no way to get education. So I was worrying about my life, but  I got the priviledge to stay and study in VS Orphanage. I want to be a good teacher in the future and want to suport children who are in need. Please pray and suport me. 

John Rana

I am John Rana. I am from Kanchanpur. My mother name is Mantora Rana and my father was Chandra Rana. I am 11 years old. When I was six years old my father died. My Mother is poor and she need to work hard as labourer and washing other people's clothes. I did not have an opportunity to get any education. I was without any hope in my life and my future was dark.  Now I am happy in the VS Orphanage Home. I study in Class 3. I want to become a good doctor in the future and I would like to help to kids. Please pray for me and for support for my education.

James Chaudhari

I am James Chaudhari from Boradhari, Kailali. My parents both died when I was a child. I have never experienced the love of my family, father and mother. I was working in other's houses as a servant to survive in my life up to the age of 10. I am now 12 years old. I am staying in VS Orphanage Home and studying in Class five. I did not have any future hope except working in other's home and working very hard for my daily food, but God provided a place for me to stay and study in the VS Orphanage Home. Please pray for my study and support me.

Peter Chaudhari

I am Peter Chaudhari from Boradadi, Kailali. My mother's  name is Budunidevi Chaudhari. My father was Assaram Chaudhari who died when I was aged 7 years old. My mother used to work in a small tea shop washing the dishes. After father's death, my mother was the only financial source of my family. It was very difficult for me to survive . I never gotthe  privilege to go to school. My life was full of darkness, but God has put me in VS Orphanage Home. I am now in class 4. I want to be an engineer. I would like to serve the Lord in future helping with orphans. Please pray for me and support  me. 

Paul Tamang

I am Paul Tamang. I am from Nachanthali Buditola, Kailali. My mother, Pami Tamang, died when I was the age of 4. My father Harka Bahadur Tamang is physically handicapped. I am from a poor family background, We do not have any land. I did not had any way to live. I used to collect plastics, sometimes used to sell newspapers. Sometime I used to go as a shepherd boy. It was very hard for me to live.  I was worried about my future. But I got the priviledge to stay and study in VS Orphanage Home. I study in grade 1 and I am 8 years old. I want to be a pastor in future.  Please pray and support me so that I may do great things for the kingdom of God.

Samuel Kumal

I am Samuel Kumal from Gorkha. My mother's name is Surya Maya Kumal. My father Ramkrisha Kumal died when I was about to be born. After that my mother was totally helpless. She did not have any property. So she had to work other's houses  as a servant. Many people used to hate her because of her husband death and poverty. I do not know how my mother feed me in my childhood, but I came to know the  reality that I was totally helpless in everyway. I am lucky that God provided a place for me to stay in VS Orphanage Home. Please pray for me and support me. Thank you.